WMUC Alumni Association, Inc.

Contacting Us
Jobs Available
Jobs Wanted
Electronic Mailing List

Contacting Us

Please send all contributions, questions, change of address notifications, and donations to:
WMUC Alumni Association
P.O. Box 6404
Annapolis, MD 21401

or call BJ Cohen at (202) 775-3510.

Submit your "Jobs Available/Jobs Wanted" (100 words max., please) to: WMUC Alumni Association Newsletter, P.O. Box 6404, Annapolis, MD 21401, or fax c/o BJ Cohen to (202) 775-3523.

Jobs Available

WNAV, Annapolis needs interns and weekend air talent. Call Russ Holland at (410) 263-1430.
Radio and Records Magazine, DC needs interns. Call Elizabeth Samuels at (202) 783-3826.
Experienced fund-raiser/development specialist wanted to chair like committee for the WMUC Alumni Association, Inc. Call BJ Cohen at (202) 244-6340.
Volunteer coordinator, mentor program coordinator, and writers for the WMUC Alumni Association. For details, call BJ at (202) 775-3510.

Jobs Wanted

Matt, currently at the Washington Times, is looking for a job doing writing, editing, reporting, public relations, or any other industry-related position. Please contact him at: Home: (301) 474-8973; Work: (202) 636-3174.

WMUC Electronic Mailing List

There is an electronic mailing list for people interested in WMUC Radio and the WMUC Alumni Association. To subscribe, send a message to "wmuc-request@wmuc.org" and you will be placed on the list.

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